Term 1aTerm 1bTerm 2aTerm 2b
Topic TitleFORMAL ELEMENTS IN ART (line, shape and form)FORMAL ELEMENTS IN ART (colour, tone, pattern, texture)VAN GOGH
(life and style)
(collage, drawing, painting)
Key Skills and Content●        Understanding how to behave in the art room.●        Exploring the properties of mixing paints (focus on hues)●        Creating an artist research page.●        Explore paper collage, including quilling.
●        Baseline assessment- observational drawing and creativity.●        Exploring colour, tone, pattern and texture as formal elements●        Observational drawing using secondary sources.●        Practising using colour pencils to create tone.
●        Exploring the visual elements of an artist’s work (focus on line, shape and form)●        Colour theory (primary, secondary, tertiary)●        Creating a timeline of an artist’s life and beginning to make connections to their work and life.●        Experimenting with blending colour pencils.
●        Describing an artist's work and using elements from it to create their own work.●        Exploring the properties of mixing paints (focus on shades and tints)●        Tracing over an image.●        Recording visual information using a variety of methods (potential trip).
●        Understanding the basic properties of markers, pen and pencil.●        Exploring rubbings and other ways to record texture.●        Applying the style of another artist to create personalised work.●        Exploring a variety of materials and techniques (e.g. watercolours, colour pencils, rubbings etc)
●        Exploring printing.●        Introduction to main clay techniques and vocabulary. (Trip)●        Using oil pastels to create tone and texture.●        Drawing inspiration from an artist’s work to create original work.
●        Exploring the visual elements of an artist’s work (focus on colour, tone, pattern and texture)●        Exploring flow and movement in an art piece.
●        Using symmetry to create a composition.●        Using the formal elements to talk about work (including writing annotations).
●        Reflecting on own work
Summative AssessmentMural inspired by Carl KrullShape composition inspired by Yuri KarminskySelf portrait inspired by Van GoghCollage inspired by Andria Beighton