" Welcome to the website of Byron College - The British International School in Athens. Byron College was founded in 1986 to provide a high-quality British-style education for the international and Greek community in Athens. "
Ms Penny Koutsantonis
Managing Director

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  • (+30) 210 6047722-5
  • 7 Filolaou Street, Gerakas

Byron College LTD | Registered in England | Registration Num.: 02717346 | Registered Address: 26-28 Southernhay East Exeter Devon EX1 1NS UK | DfE Num.: 6337
Βύρων Εκπαιδευτική Α.Ε | ΑΡ Μ.Α.Ε.: 62417/22/Β/07/9 | Φιλολάου 7 Γέρακας | Αρ. Αδείας ΥΠΕΠΘ: Ζ2/442/1986